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Journal Article

Atom-Specific Probing of Electron Dynamics in an Atomic Adsorbate by Time-Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy

The electronic excitation occurring on adsorbates at ultrafast timescales from optical lasers that initiate surface chemical reactions is still an open question. Here, we report the ultrafast temporal evolution of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) of a simple well-known adsorbate prototype system, namely carbon (C) atoms adsorbed on a nickel [Ni(100)] surface, following intense laser optical pumping at 400 nm. We observe ultrafast (100fs) changes in both XAS and XES showing clear signatures of the formation of a hot electron-hole pair distribution on the adsorbate. This is followed by slower changes on a few picoseconds timescale, shown to be consistent with thermalization of the complete C/Ni system. Density functional theory spectrum simulations support this interpretation.

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Simon Schreck
Elias Diesen
Martina Dell'Angela
Chang Liu
Matthew Weston
Flavio Capotondi
Hirohito Ogasawara
Jerry LaRue
Roberto Costantini
Martin Beye
Pieter S. Miedema
Joakim Halldin Stenlid
Jörgen Gladh
Boyang Liu
Hsin-Yi Wang
Fivos Perakis
Filippo Cavalca
Sergey Koroidov
Peter Amann
Emanuele Pedersoli
Denys Naumenko
Ivaylo Nikolov
Lorenzo Raimondi
Frank Abild-Pedersen
Tony F. Heinz
Johannes Voss
Alan C. Luntz
Anders Nilsson
Journal Name
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Publication Date